
1Access Bars117000.00
2Access Body Processes379000.00
3Access Facelift 121600.00
4Tarot Reading1515000.00
5Tarot Reading1515000.00
6Reiki Healing1515000.00
7Vastu Consultation 
8Access -The Foundation476000.00
9Money Class1021000.00
10IPOV Clearings1021000.00
11Energy Pulls3030000.00
12Emotional POVADs3030000.00
13Find your Happy0.57500.00
14Stress Relief Intro Class0.57500.00
15Create More Time, More Money More Joy0.57500.00
16How much are you willing to Receive?0.57500.00

Please Note:

  1. All payments in INR for Indian citizens only
  2. All payments will be in advance-through Pay TM/Gpay/UPI/PayPal
  3. All payments will be made in INR
  4. All costing is applicable per person or per session basis
  5. All participants for classes who do not have residential address on their passport as India , will have to pay charges as applicable in their country in the INR equivalent
  6. Forex rates as applicable on the date of payment will apply.
  7. Valid ID Proof is essential to attend all classes
  8. All Bars and Body Process and Facelift Sessions cannot be done distantly
  9. Please book appointments at least 24 hours in advance

Minimum 5 appointments essential for break-even costing